id = idea and identity. Idea as a thought or model, on which one orients oneself. Identity as characteristics in the self-understanding of individuals or groups that are considered essential. Good solutions are based on the first, the second must not be lost.
Thomas Kessler, agronomist and project developer, long-time drug delegate, Head of Integration/Anti-Discrimination and Head of Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt
Executive bodies, companies, foundations, NGOs, individuals
Urban development and security: public space management in order to counter the phenomenon of maximising demands and avoid conflicts of use. Structured search for solutions outside classical regulation. Coherence of measures as the primary objective.
Offensive, coherent strategies for the integration of immigrants and against discrimination according to the formula "promote and demand". Diversity in society instead of parallel structures. Active cultivation of cohesion and, within the regulatory structures, comprehensive competence in all questions of diversity.
Unconventional solution and future models in combination with tried and tested, traditional knowledge and the latest technological developments. Integration of social, ecological and regional challenges.
Analyses, discussions, reports, arguments, strategies, dealing with federal structures, project development, solution models, implementation planning, coaching, troubleshooting
Schools, universities, organizations, societies, clubs, media
Urbanity, Migration, Security, Domestic and Foreign Policy, Drugs, Ecology & Agriculture
Lectures, presentations, analyses, workshops, journalism
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